Our Story

Following her departure from Laureate Education in 2017, Dawn Papuga Bunja began consulting with a variety of partners on digital teaching and learning strategy, content design and development, and broad educational efforts, and from these efforts launched Arcadia. She gathered a team roster of similarly experienced experts who share her passion for helping institutions and companies educate learners around the globe. These shared interests and experiences provide a view to academic and professional education systems in countries around the world, across different modalities, and at different points of maturity with digital teaching and learning (DTL).

Our Approach

Not all learning is created equal. At Arcadia, we believe that a high-quality curriculum, instructional design, and student experience engage learners and help foster a love of lifelong learning. Whether you are seeking to upskill your team or provide students with courses to complete a degree, learning can be enjoyable, modern, and challenging. We do this by tying industry expectations and professional requirements to opportunities to practice skills, test retention, and apply learning in meaningful, real-world assessments and projects.

Meet the Founder


Dawn Papuga Bunja

Owner and Principal Education Consultant

Prior to launching Arcadia, Dawn spent a decade teaching English literature, writing, theory, and communications at universities across the United States. She then spent ten exciting years at Laureate Education in various leadership roles, helping universities design and develop academic programs and courses and training faculty in digital teaching and learning. At Arcadia, she continues to consult with universities as well as corporations and non-profits on digital teaching and learning efforts. She has consulted with 100+ universities and organizations in 30+ countries and has designed over 250 academic programs in over 16 discipine areas.  While she thrives in strategic education consulting and program desing, she also enjoys ghostwriting content and hands-on instructional design and innovation.

Dawn serves as the Principal Education Consultant on all Arcadia projects and works with partners to determine the scope and scale of the team appropriate for each engagement. She works with universities, colleges, corporations, and non-profits to launch new online learning efforts that meet their audience and regulatory needs using best practices and insights from global development and strategy. Dawn has diverse experience in teaching, curriculum design, product development, ghostwriting, and serving on various editorial boards for both academic and literary journals over the years. She also enjoys serving on Higher Education and Ed Tech Advisory Boards to provide insight to companies seeking to work with students and universities or to apply learning science to their products.

Our Team


Arcadia employs a 360-Team approach. For each engagement, we complete a project diagnostic to identify the necessary skills to accomplish the project outcomes and assemble that team from our roster of education experts. Our roster includes individuals experienced in international higher education and training and development across a wide range of skill sets. These experiences provide a view to academic and professional education systems in countries around the world, across different modalities, and at different points of maturity with DTL/online learning.

The Arcadia Team is equipped to support you across the curriculum lifecycle, including with:

  • Education Strategy
  • Instructional design and development
  • Curriculum design
  • Quality assurance
  • Educational technology
  • Professional training and development
  • Media design and production
  • Marketing and communications
  • Market research
  • Teaching and facilitation
  • Faculty development
  • Ghostwriting and content creation
  • Regulatory and Accreditation alignment
  • Game-based learning
  • Project management

Many of the team members on our roster have worked together on projects spanning the globe for 5-10 years, and this familiar collaboration is critical in rapid deployment and kick-off of projects across time zones and languages. The wealth of experience at Arcadia is also valuable when assisting universities to retake or revise the quality of existing online offerings and operations.

Interested in a spot on OUR ROSTER?

Contact us for further inquiries and a chance to add your talent to our team roster!